Return Policy
Please note, any problems with the receipt of your package must be called in to us within 7 days of the delivery date! If you suspect the bottle is bad, please just put the cork back in the wine leaving the contents of the wine in the bottle. We can't take back any empty bottles! If you find any errors regarding type of wine and vintage, please call us 908.879.5352 or send an e-mail to right away. We will arrange to have the package picked up and returned to us right away for inspection. Once the package is returned to us, we will inspect the contents and then send out a replacement package to you or issue a refund. For this reason, it is vital that you let us know of any error immediately to ensure the fastest delivery of your new shipment. Wine is a perishable item subject to the elements and cannot be returned. Please contact us directly for any other issue before returning any item. Please note: All returns are subject to a 15% restocking fee.